New Class Offerings!
New Tap and Tumble Classes are now open for Registration. Yes, they don't start until after the New Year, but these classes fill quickly. Register by filling out a Parent Account, and then registering your student. The $100 fee includes shoe rental and TDH Tank top. Thursday Tap & Tumble : January 4 - February 22 : 9:30am-10:15am
Friday Tap & Tumble: January 5 - February 23 : 9:30-10:15am
The weather is cooling off but you still need to get that work out in! Come & enjoy an early morning Body Art class set in candle light and calmness. This class is yoga based, we will also throw in some strength & stamina moves to get your day started off balanced! Wednesday mornings are for more experienced yogi's and Fridays are for beginners. Classes are ongoing. $42/mo. for one class or $15/drop in. RSVP your spot 651-470-4846 or Register at The Dancing House!
October Charity! Keep that loose change coming for CARING AND SHARING HANDS.
Remember TDH will MATCH whatever is given.
NO CLASS on October 31! Happy Halloween!